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We're all a bunch of idiots

Writer's picture: Eddie Eccker, MS, LMFTEddie Eccker, MS, LMFT

Updated: Jan 13

If you have ever been in a long term relationship, like marriage, you have probably discovered that you are an idiot. And if you can admit it, then you are just like me, and you might just make it.

Thats right, you might just make it because you can recognize that you have a problem, not just your partner. You always have a part to play in building and destroying your relationships. Some of you reading this may not understand this just yet, which sucks because there is a chance you will always play the victim, and will keep cycling through one relationship after the next. Don't get me wrong, it is pretty great to be a victim because you can pass off responsibilities, and posture as better than others while feeding your over inflated ego and simultaneously masking your insecurities. Maybe the best part is, you are able to manipulate people to feel sorry for you while captivating the conversations with how terrible your life has been, thus instigating the listeners savor mentality - which is very effective for drawing in new relationships, but not great for keeping them.

You see, any good relationship is built from a solid foundation, but any good builder, without exception, makes mistakes then works to fix them if they want to be trusted. The wise will understand this, but those still protecting their ego will not, and they will likely continue to project emotional responsibility onto others (Gaslighting?), which ultimately makes them powerless. However, if you can look within and take responsibility you won't have to remain powerless over your emotions or your relationships.

A good way to start this process of is to heed the wisdom of those that came before you, and to identify your role in the problems you have. One source I like to draw wisdom from is the biblical writings, and whether you are a believer in God or not, wisdom is wisdom! It is prudent to draw inspiration from it wherever we can. Like this paraphrased passage from Matthew 7:24-27 - A wise man hears the word of God and builds his foundation on solid rock and a fool rejects the word and builds his house on sand to be easily destroyed by the passing storms. In other words when we reject wisdom and personal responsibility, we are easily destroyed, as will be our most precious relationships. If our goal is to keep the things we want the most, like our relationships, then heed this wisdom - Own your part and stop blaming others!

I admit, this call to become responsible for your own experiences may seem a bit counter culture these days. So much of our media (in its many forms) seems to promote, even in the elite sense, that others is are obviously at fault and they should be shamed and guilted in to submission. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that one shouldn't stand for their beliefs, I am simply suggesting that we would do well to not buy into the cultural model for change - It simply does not work! If you think I am wrong consider if you used these blaming tactics with a spouse? You wouldn't be married long. Or what about with a child? You would crush them, and eventually they would reject you and possibly themselves which is worse. This is not good! - If you have already experienced such pride then you already know.

If you are with me so far, and have some interest in taking power back in your life, then consider the following:

Do I want to be right or have a relationship?

This is a good question to start with as it will force you to stop the argument and consider what matters most. If it is your pride than the relationship will not last. If it's the relationship then start practicing "active listening skills" (YouTube it if you're not sure what it is). Take turns in sharing your side of the story, practice letting the other go first. Remember, this doesn't mean that you agree with anything, you are simply giving space for understanding and respect. Given time and practice this is likely to be reciprocated because you are changing your patterns and building trust. If you notice your partners issues, which I am sure you will, let the them worry about their own patterns, at least until they are ready to trust you. Remember trust is not something we just give or get, it is earned over time, just like building a solid foundation.

Is this a cure all? Of course not. Could I expand on points? Of course. But how do you eat an elephant? One bit at a time. Yes, this is a weird old adage, but the truth is you are not able to change all relational problems all at once. So, start with the what works, the basics, and you are likely to become less of an idiot.

Most relationships are often reasonable enough failures to invest in. So no-matter how many times you fail, reflect, learn and try it again.

Author: Eddie Eccker, MS, LMFT

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